Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21 - Woke up SICK!

Uck... Cole was up most of the night crying his ears hurt and I felt like crap (sinus infection)!
Got the family off to 8am church and Cole and I went to the ER to get some medicine!
He has a double ear infection with a really red throat (possible strep)!
I have a sinus infection and a throat that is on fire.
Remember I only get sick like twice a year and both times it's a sinus infection. They stink! I am not very patient. Sunday night I just kept throwing up, we think I had a touch of the flu or something. Erik and his Dad gave me a blessing. The weird thing is I really struggled with sleeping all week long. I thought I would be able to sleep - and sleep a lot NO.
I was in bed for two full days and didn't get out of my PJ other than to go to the doctor again until Thursday. (Oh yes for one hour while I went to parent conferences on Wednesday)! I hate being down and feeling cruddy! My family isn't use to me being so lazy and having no energy. Erik was a huge help and so were the kids too.
Finally feeling better...if my ears would quite draining and my throat hurting. I am finally getting some energy.


linda crandall said...

Sorry to hear that you and the kids have not been feeling good...yuck!

I was sick with the head cold thing for a week...then we all got the stomach thing yesterday and it over yet!!?

Allyson said...

o man... I have been slacking on blog checking.... SO SORRY to hear your sick and its not easy when you have sick kids too. Sounds like things are getting better, I'll keep you in the prayers!