Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So many birthdays, it is now May and Tyler's turn!

Happy Birthday you handsome DEVIL!
Oh my you are "17" when did our little Tyler grow up? (my sister LaSchelle's oldest son) I remember when he was born...grandchild #1. He was loved by all of us so much - we could not get enough of him. That is still true today. Tyler is a pleasure to be around. He is such an amazing young man. He always tells you he loves you and hugs you when he sees you and when you are leaving. You can always feel his love for you.
I am grateful that my boys have such an awesome example to look up to. Tyler is a natural athlete and an obedient young man. He is easy to talk to and truly a pleasure to hang out with. We love you and hope you have had a great birthday!

1 comment:

Patrice said...

I always remember his because he's one year behind Melissa. When did we give them permission to grow up?