Friday, October 30, 2009


Pomegranates = a yummy treat! Oma brought us all back some from Thatcher. They other day she call me and said come by I have a bowl of pomegranates for you (thanks mom for taking them out of the shell for me)! We have great memories of Grannie and Grandpa Dowdles pomegranate trees. When it was time to pick them all the Aunts and Grannie would make pomegranate jelly, yummy. Grannie would even make homemade bread to put it on, delicious (I am now craving it). Fun memories!


Rydgd said...

Fun! And Thatcher...a happenin' town! :) Did she get a chance to see the temple? We're trying to go down for the dedication/ openhouse. It's built on land that my Granny donated to the church. special. I miss my Granny.
:( I've never had a pomegranate. I'll have to give on a try!

Allyson said...

Love moms!!! Sorry to hear Cole was sick. Hope the family is healthy and well now!

Patrice said...

Taking those little seeds out is the hard part. Man, you are so lucky!! I still have one in my refrigerator waiting for me to have the time to eat it.

LaSchelle and Kurt said...

Sigh!!!!!!!!!! It REALLY stinks to live out of State!

Amy said...

Bret's Granny has a pomegranate tree too! cool.