Saturday, January 30, 2010

And tHen it raiNed

Last week it rained so much that our yard flooded bad!
Thinking maybe we should build an ARK! dried up in no time!


linda crandall said...

Ah man! That is a lot of water..I'll trade you snow for water :) PLEASE!!

Rydgd said...

So great catching up! I can't believe the rain you all had! Crazy. My boys were looking at the pic of your yard and are way jealous of your basketball court! Carly is GORGEOUS! And so grown up! And Erik - 21 years...doesn't seem possible!!!
Don't you love the crazy lives we lead??? We just signed Rydge up for t-ball, Maddie for volleyball, and Kyle for basketball. Ty - thank goodness - is on a break from school sports. C-R-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S!Good luck with all the madness!