Monday afternoon I promised Cole we would go on a bike ride. Everyone wanted to go except Conner (Marley even went). The bike ride was great! As we were pulling our bikes into the garage a bike hanging from the ceiling fell and landed on Lindsey's right hand. She instantly started to cry (she doesn't cry easily). We put ice on it and gave her some CHEWABLE motrin and had her take it easy.
The next day it felt much better. She went to volleyball practice and when I picked her up it was obvious something was wrong. Once I finally got her to talk she started crying and said her hand really hurt (especially her thumb). I guess she bumped it again in practice and tried super hard to play volleyball even though it hurt really bad.
Wednesday I took her in and got x-rays. Luckily it is only sprained and the doctor said for her to take a week off volleyball to give it time to heal, BUMMER!
i swear i think you live at the hospital! that stinks for her! hope it heals fast!
Poor Lindsey!! How will she text????
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