Do these two cute girls look like innocent angels? Think again!

Yes, it is spring break and kids are looking for something FUN to do. TEENAGERS can't live with them and you CAN'T live without them. I am not ready to make decisions they want me to make. Of course Erik was gone last night at work and so these two innocent girls (don't let them fool you) came to me with, "can we go door-bell ditching?" Yes, glad they asked, but NO WAY was my response." I have a hard time with that one. Most of the people in our neighborhood have little kids which means kids in bed. I don't have a problem letting them go toilet papering! Some people may disagree with me. I look at it as they have to do something "mischievous" you know they are teenagers - so if this is the craziest thing they do I'll take it.

Preparing...they went up and put on black shorts, tennis shoes and these bandanna's!

Girls on a mission...who's house will it be? A cute boy? Great news they DIDN'T get caught!