Monday, March 30, 2009

Shout hUrRah...Case is tWo!

This adorable little man is Case, my brother Lance's youngest boy. He is TWO. Caser has the cutest personality. He uses such big words and is very polite.
He is so much fun to be around. He is a great eater and loves to sneak pop when his mom isn't looking. He has a great big brother, Crew, he loves and wants to do everything he is doing (oh if that doesn't remind me of Lance and Logan)! We loved being at his party swimming in his Grandma Jan's pool and eating pizza and yummy cake! Happy Birthday Case. I forgot to mention he LOVES being with his DAD.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cole got to run the bases...

While we were at Conner's Field of Dreams game Conner's Coach Larry took Cole out onto the field and let him run the bases. Cole wasn't quite sure what he was up to, but once they got started his smile grew bigger and bigger.
Run Cole run!

Homerun - way to go little man! Thanks a lot Coach!!

Latest project

Playroom make over - gotta love IKEA and Wal-mart!

I got lucky and scored - the baskets I used were being clearanced out, YES!
Love it and it is easy to keep clean and ORGANIZED.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Field of Dreams

Monday, March 16 Conner had a practice game at the Field of Dreams fields. They are these cool HUGE fields that are decked out just like you were at a professional game. Of course we wouldn't have missed it! Uncle Lance, Uncle Logan, Oma and Papa came to checked it out and support Conner.
Oma full of positive cheers!
Uncle Lance and Logan wished they could have played on fields like these when they were younger.
Carly and Oma visited the concession stands to get yummy pretzels and cheese.
Conner playing shortstop when he wasn't pitching!
Uncle Lance and Papa enjoying the game!
Luckily for us they had a real cool park right next to where we sat, so Carly and Cole could play. They loved those climbing ropes.
When it got dark the lights came on and WOW what a cool field. Conner's team won - he pitched a few innings and did a great job! What a fun FHE activity!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marcus - we hope you have a HAPPY birthday!

Marcus you are so cool! We love it when we get to hang around with you! Marcus always plays with the younger kids and makes sure they are having a good time.

Right now Marcus works full-time at Target. He loves his job and is really good at whatever they ask him to do! Happy "20" Birthday!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Uncle Aaron rocks!

Uncle Aaron can you blow that many candles out? He is married to Erik's sister Liz. They have 5 great kiddos. We love to spend hot summer days swimming in there pool. Uncle Aaron is a fun Uncle, he loves to play with Cole. He is a whiz on the computer, loves to play online video games, movie watcher and loves his family! We are glad you are in our family. Hope you had a great birthday!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Door-bell ditching or teeping?

Do these two cute girls look like innocent angels? Think again!
Yes, it is spring break and kids are looking for something FUN to do. TEENAGERS can't live with them and you CAN'T live without them. I am not ready to make decisions they want me to make. Of course Erik was gone last night at work and so these two innocent girls (don't let them fool you) came to me with, "can we go door-bell ditching?" Yes, glad they asked, but NO WAY was my response." I have a hard time with that one. Most of the people in our neighborhood have little kids which means kids in bed. I don't have a problem letting them go toilet papering! Some people may disagree with me. I look at it as they have to do something "mischievous" you know they are teenagers - so if this is the craziest thing they do I'll take it.
Preparing...they went up and put on black shorts, tennis shoes and these bandanna's!
Girls on a mission...who's house will it be? A cute boy? Great news they DIDN'T get caught!