Friday, November 21, 2008

I love Haircuts!

One of my favorite things to do is get my haircut! I love that someone else is doing my hair and I just get to sit there and enjoy. I think I got this from Grandma Larsen. She loved for us granddaughters to comb and do her hair. She would say how great it felt. I would have to agree 100%.

I have really thick hair and it grows super fast. I seem to get it cut shorter and shorter each time. My sisters think I am crazy. My hair never looks the same, one day it is curly the next day straight, one side curly the other straight. My curly hair makes for unpredictable hair days. I should be good for another 6-8 weeks!

First Graders present: Frog and Toad

Carly was in the play "Frog and Toad" last night. The first graders at her school did a fabulous job. She was a squirrel. The CUTEST squirrel I have ever seen (a little bias)! She sang her heart out. Carly and me, one of her biggest fans!
Uncle Logan, Carly and Oma they are so good to support us!

Carly got to pick where we would go for dinner, she was happy with wherever (one of my best well rounded eaters). We ended up at Sombrero's Mexican Restaurant. Uncle Lance, Aunt Heather, Crew and Case met us there.

Stay tuned for Carly's first PHOTO shoot.
Aunt Heather Silly Uncle Lance
Crew chewing his 25 cent gum. Case, he is such a happy little man. He was talking away and oh what a great eater he is!
Oma, happy and smilin' Case kept calling out her name. Me, Carly's FAVORITE mom. Carly and Uncle Logan, her favorite SINGLE uncle.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


8 Things About Me
8 Favorite TV Shows
1. Law & Order
2. ER
3. Wheel of Fortune
4. Biggest Loser
5. Price's Right
6. Oprah
7. Extreme Home Make Over
8. Funniest Home Video's
8 Things I did yesterday
1. Visiting Teaching Conference
2. Super Saturday
3. Morris November Birthday Party
4. Bra shopping with Lindsey @ Target
5. Attempted the temple - date night
(realized Erik's recommend had expired)
6. Dinner at Matta's
7.Christmas Shopping
8. Prepared materials for Carly's primary class to make cards for her teacher who had surgery.
8 Things I look forward too
1. Having my Christmas tree up
2. Losing more weight
3. Running and being able to keep up with Logan
3. A get-away weekend with Erik
4. Printing my first blog book
5. Cole being potty trained
6. The Romney's coming for the Holidays
7. Sleeping in
8. An updated family picture
8 Favorite Restaurant's
1. Nello's Pizza (great salads)
2. Applebee's
3. Serrano's Mexican Food
4. Olive Garden
5. Outback Steak House
6. Anywhere I don't have to cook or clean up
8 Things on my wIsH list
1. a camera
2. new clothes
3. to win the $1000 Santa cash on KNIX
4. happy/healthy kids and husband
5. long weekend to see LaSchelle's new house
6. cruise with Erik
7. to make a temple trip visiting as many temples as possible
8. to become a better cook
I tAg my sisters!

Larsen NOVEMBER birthdays

Our ThReE November birthdays, Heather (2), Jase (3), and Cole (8). We got together Sunday, November 9 to celebrate. We ate hamburgers/hotdogs, Oma's famous potato salad, and veggies. I have to say the kids favorite part was dessert. Yummy cupcakes, German chocolate cake and ice cream. Cole liked blowing out his candle.
Jase loved the balloons. Aunt Heather relaxing for a minute. Cole's favorite part about the party, licking the frosting off as many cupcakes as we would allow.
hApPy BiRtHdAy...until next year!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Our baby turns tHrEe...

Saturday, November 8, 2008
10 things Cole loves:
1. Oreo's
2. matchbox cars from the Disney movie "Cars"
3. soda with a straw
4. To jump on the trampoline with his siblings
5. corn/or green beans
6. to watch movies while he plays (Kung Fu Panda today)
7. wresting with Conner and Dad (or anyone who will be rough with him)
8. going to the park (slide, swings, sand toys, riding his bike)
9. milk
10. his blanket (Aunt LaSchelle Schneider gave it to him when he was born

Here are some pictures to show his growth:

A few days old. 2 weeks old - his first photo shoot4 months old8 months old - Lindsey can't help but kiss him all the time!9 months old11 months old1 year old
1 1/2 years old - he has always loved to play cars.2 years 4 months old hanging with Dad2 years old spending time with Carly2 1/2 years old - Cole and his big brother

2 1/2 years old - spending some time with mom going on a bike ride2 1/2 years old - He loves his big sister Lindsey 3 years old - today we went to see Madagascar 2
Happy Birthday little man we love you!

tHrEe things we love about you:
1. When you've been gone or the first time Cole sees you
he says, "I missed you" and gives you a hug.
2. His cute little laugh when you tickle him.
3. When he sits on our lap to read books, fall asleep or just to cuddle.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What will we be...halloween?


Conner-football player

Carly-garden witch

Cole-"Cars" pitcrew man (suppose to be a dinosaur)

Lindsey-Verizon girl (several of her friends dressed up as the cell phone girls from the commercial on TV)

We went to our ward trunk or treat on Tuesday night. The kids loved it. Loaded up on candy.

Friday, Halloween we went with some friends and trick-or-treated through Orchard Ranch neighborhood. Some houses were giving giant candy bars, wow! The Hunts (our friends) had several families over they cooked hotdogs, chili, smore's, snack foods and hot chocolate. We sat in their drive way and had a great time! So sad Erik had to work!

Carly the prettiest Garden Witch around!

Perfect age appropriate costume for Lindsey. The girls had a great time being together! We are blessed Lindsey has wonderful friends.

Conner what a stud! We tried to find an ASU jersey, but I wouldn't spend $55 on one. Luckily he is an easy going kiddo who was happy with what we found. Where is Cole?

Family pictures in a few weeks should be loads of fun. He obviously doesn't like having his picture taken right now!

A fun Halloween Lindsey trick-or-treated for 3 hours!

Jase ...THREE years old!

Happy Happy Birthday Jase-man...
Known for his lovable personality!
Jase gives the best hugs and loves to everyone he meets.
He can put a smile on your face in minutes.
He will still your heart with his sweet tight hugs.
I love Thursday's when Cole and I hang out and get to play with him.
Have a Happy "3rd" birthday!
Love you buddy!