The plan now is that in 3 weeks we will go back to the Dr. and have x-rays. If everything looks good they will take the pins out right there in the office. They WILL NOT put another cast on. She has to be very careful for another 3 weeks - more x-rays and then hopefully we will be good to go. They wrote her out a script saying NO playground, jumping, running, sliding, PE, or any active playing for TEN weeks, BUMMER! They may change the script to playing sooner if things heal good and Carly does what she is suppose to right now.
Lucky for us, Carly loves to color, draw, play on the computer, read, play games, and do quiet sit down activities. Now if this was Conner we would be IN TROUBLE!
The night we were in the hospital at around 1am she was really having a hard time sleeping due to pain and unsure of the hospital. I was sitting on her bed rubbing her face and arms she said, "MOM I love you!" I wanted to just bawl like a baby. She is such a sweetheart. I guess I had been a bit stressed out and needed to hear that. A tender mercy...
Carly and I went and got her picture taken yesterday with her fun PINK sparkly cast. She had a HORRIBLE night last night, couldn't sleep. I had decided she would stay home today, but she wanted to go. It was picture day and she wanted her picture taken for her school id. I was worried because she has still had quite a bit of pain, so I came at lunch time to check in and she was doing GREAT! Her teacher is AWESOME! She came to our house Friday after school with a Sonic drink for Carly and I and a HUGE card the students had made her. I love teachers like her!
Children are "Tender Mercys"
Sounds like she is on the mend...that is awesome! Hang in there Carly and Mom!!
Wow that is a great teacher. I love that they put a cast on the bear too. How fun. I bet it weighs a lot and is uncomfortable to wear. I will keep my fingers crossed that 3 weeks goes by fast and that all heals well.
What is Justice and what is a webkin????
Poor baby. I LOVE pediatric specialists. They are so kind with the kids. Hang in there mommy-I'm not sure who hurts worse-the mommy or the kiddo!
I remember when Owen broke his leg. He was barely one and just learned to walk. It was interesting to go through the whole cast process with him. I hope these three weeks just fly by.
I am soooo glad she is doing so well. I didn't know about her teacher coming over. That is so sweet!
The cast looks good on Carly and her bear. I'm glad she is going so good. Good luck these next 3 weeks.
Fighting those tears . . . give Carly a huge hug and let her know we've added her to our prayer list. I am glad the worst is over!
i am glad she is doing good!
What a special Dr.'s office! Hope all goes well with recovery. We love you, Carly!
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