Monday, August 11, 2008

tOoTh, hAiR, iCe,

Today CARLY came home from school with one lEsS tooth!
Carly and Lindsey got their haircut today. Both excited to have Shelly Millyard cut their hair. She always does such a gOoD job.
sHoRtEr in the back than the front.

Lindsey got "3" inches cUt off!
A little sHoRtEr in the back too!
I am jealous I need my haircut sO bad.
Getting my haircut is literally oNe of my favorite things to do.
Shaved ice...what we dId for FHE tonight!

Lindsey and I both lOvE pina colada shaved ice!

Yum yum, now let's get hOmE and watch the Olympics!


Lisa said...

Adorable hair cuts!!! Carly looks so cute with her new missing tooth!

Marilyn said...

Cute hair! I wish I had the patience to grow mine out like that-but I think I am too old!

linda crandall said...

Love the AZ shaved ice...and love watch'n the olympics!

Allyson said...

Are kids loosing their teeth earlier these days? My goodness she is simply adorable in that haircut. I like haircuts too, they do give you a refreshing feeling.

Kassi Jane said...

your kids are so dang cute!

Mary Ann said...

beautiful girls... i love the hair and the toothless grin! :)