Monday, October 27, 2008

No State Fair, but how about OUTBACK steak house?

Every year since I have been in the Morris family we have gone to the State Fair. It is a fun tradition we love. We would always eat popovers, visit the petting zoo, walk through some of the exhibits and ride lots of fun puke rides. I love to go to the fair because I love all the lights. Now the people there are a little scary - our State Fair is held in the bad part of Phoenix. This year we opted to not go due to every one's crazy schedules. Instead Papa and Grammers treated us to a steak dinner, yummy! Aunt Lizzy called in reservations, but we still had to wait 45 minutes to be seated. Thank goodness Aunt Lisa & Uncle Ryan volunteered to watch Cole (since 2 year olds aren't very fun at restaurants, thank you so very much)! Aunt Liesl (Erik's twin) and her two daughters Shelene and Sheridan. Shelene is getting ready to turn in her mission papers. We can't wait to see where she will serve!
Uncle Richard and Erik being silly. Of course they love to get together and tell funny stories. They make us all laugh.

Me and Aunt Liesl glad she could make it she has been having medical problems.

Michael Webb in the back and Jake Lavold - these two boys are VERY silly.

Oh here are the TEENAGERS! They are cute girls who love to be together!

Lizzy and Tina two of my very CUTE sister-in-laws!

Is it almost time to eat, these animals are HUNGRY?
Jake, Stephanie, Kaelen, Carly and Megan
Me, Tina, Nana and Grammers

Erik, Papa and Uncle Brian talking SPORTS!
Thanks for the delicious dinner and fun company!


Wendy said...

Looks fun! I have to tell you that Erik ratted you out and accused us both of being ravenous wolves! He told me at choir that normally you take home left overs but on this night you enjoyed the entire meal. He may laugh now but you and I will get the final laugh when we are skinny little hotties!

linda crandall said...

Oh I miss being around family! How fun that you all could go and be together!!

Allyson said...

i've never been to the fair..but you can't beat a good steak--yum!

Lisa said...

You got lots of great pictures! I am glad you guys had a good time. Families are the BEST!

Larissa said...

You guys have such a fun family. Outback..yum!