Monday, October 13, 2008

Saved pictures on my MEMORY card!

Yes, a few pictures were still on my memory card so I am going to catch up on a week of blogging.

Friday, Oct. 3 Carly had a 9am check-up on her arm. We decided to plan a whole day around it.

They took x-rays and the bones are healing great!
These are some exercises we are to do. Unfortunately, Carly left with tears because she still can't do PE, ride her bike and any real physical activities until Nov. 3. We are waiting for the pins holes to feel in with new bone.
Lindsey and Cole waited in the waiting room, Carly brought Cole out a succor! "Time to be happy" I told Carly, "we are going shopping. "

Stops we made:
Scout shop
Old Navy
the bank
Superstition Springs Mall (Lindsey got 3 new pairs of pants- I am jealous)
The Pretzel stand (yummy)

Conner chose to stay home and play his rented baseball X-Box game. Erik home asleep.

Oct. 4-5 General Conference

One of my favorite weekends. I love conference. We sat around and listened to the prophet Pres. Monson speak. The talks were so awesome! So uplifting and encouraging.

Monday, Oct. 6 Cole was complaining his ears hurt, so off to the doctor we went.

His ears hadn't cleared up and his wheezing bad. Dr.'s orders breathing treatments more often. New medicine for his ears. Dr. worried his congestion might lead to phenomena, yuck!

Tuesday, Oct. 7 spent day at "Amazing Jakes"

Carly invited Whitney S.
Lindsey invited Summer E.
Conner invited Dallin E.

Erik stayed home with Cole

Dallin and Conner they have so much fun together.

Carly & Whitney go round'n round on the mini roller coaster.

What a fun place to go. Amazing Jakes is an indoor fun center. They have bumper cars, go-carts, rock wall climbing, laser tag, mini roller coaster, 18 holes of miniature golf, night bowling, video games, rides and more rides. Did I mention all you can eat buffet including ice cream and cookies. We had such a good time.

Waiting in line to ride the go-carts.

Do you have your license?

Conner you better put your seat belt on, your in for a ride!

Mom let's go hit the track!

Don't throw up - the teacups will do it to you every time!

What are you two up to?

These two had so much fun! Whitney kept telling me "this is the best day of my life!" I am glad they had such a good time.

gOoFy golf - Conner was in it to win! The rest of us just had fun!

Me and Carly - she is my clone!

Crazy Summer!

What a face Lindsey!

Raced back to Queen Creek to hit Cub Scout Pack Mtg. That night Dallin ended up spending the night at our house and after YW's Lindsey stayed the night at Summer's. Lucky for all everyone was tired and the boys weren't up all night!

Wednesday, Oct. 8 we played around the house all day! That night was "Ladies Night Out". Jodi and I had organized a cousins, sisters, aunt night out. It was so much fun! We met at Serrano's for dinner at 6pm. It was so good to see everyone and visit.

Starting on the left: Jodi Alder, Lori Morris, Lisa Steverson, Larissa Lopez

On the Right: Aunt Marilyn Larsen, Cassandra Larsen, Jen Roberts

We missed everyone who couldn't make it! Several ladies that lived in town had YW's - callings that night (Aunt Linda, Amy, Jessica), off on vacation or getting ready to leave(Patrice and Aunt Roxann) and a new baby (Ally)!

We laughed and shared stories of dating, marriage, health, blogs, trips, photography, children and pregnancy! One of us is pregnant! Can you guess who? It was SO much fun! I love hanging out with these amazing women! Blogging has helped us reconnect again!

After dinner everyone except Aunt Marilyn went to the movies (Momma Mia). I can't say it without singing it (ABBA rocks). We laughed, sang and enjoyed being together. We need to get together quarterly! I love you all and enjoyed the time we spent together.

Thursday, Oct. 9 Was my turn to watch kiddos while Lisa and mom worked. We spent the morning playing at the train park. Of course, the bin of sand toys was a hit. Cole spent most of the time on the swings. We spent the rest of the day hanging out and playing. The kids had so much fun together - everyone was there due to fall break ( NO school)!

Erik and Conner went with Papa Morris on the Quail hunt. Left Thursday 12ish and spent the night in Papa's truck. Came home Friday around noon. They had a fun time and even shot some quail.

What a fun week! It was so fun having the kids and Erik off.


Lisa said...

Wow what a busy week! You are such a fun mom, aunt , sister, friend! I love you tons and appreciate all you do to make my life more fun and more exciting! :)

LaSchelle and Kurt said...

Yikes~ do you ever slow down! You are such a great mom.
It' so fun to have good friends~ fun to see the kids with their buds.

linda crandall said...

Whew a busy week! Oh I wish I could have been at the Ladies Night Out!

csrussell said...

sounds like you had a fun week. I wish i was there to go with the girls night out. I will be able to after this summer. Yippee!!!

Allyson said...

Hey who is can't just leave me hanging! I didn't even know about GNO...hopefully I can come next time. You have done so many fun things with your kids, I'm so jealous. Glad to hear the arm is healing, Nov 3 is just around the corner!