This is Lindsey at age 10 right after she got her braces and a year into wearing her glasses.

Lindsey turned 12 yes 12 years old in December and we promised her she could get contacts. She now has contacts and loves them. She's gone from "four" eyes to "two" and loves it. She sure has grown up into a cute pre-teen. She is my lifesaver (with Erik working nights)and a huge help with Cole! I love having a built in babysitter and a partner to go shopping with!
What a beautiful girl.
Ashley has glasses and can't wait until she gets contacts. She is going into 7th grade next year and I told her she could get contacts...now we just have to convince dad :)
I can't believe how time has flown by... I remember the days when she was in my CTR 9 Primary class. We went to Ray 1st this past Sunday - how weird it was to see Mac Misseldine going on a mission, Clark Farnsworth passing the sacrament, and sustaining Brady Larsen to recieve the Priesthood. They grow up so fast and make me feel old in my 20's!
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