Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, May 4 Visit with Grandpa Larsen

Have been trying to get over and visit Grandpa Jess Larsen for awhile now. Amazingly Sunday night we had nothing going on. Lindsey and Carly found out where I was going and wanted to go. I was so happy to have their company in the car to and from. Grandpa lives with Aunt Linda and Uncle Rex Crandall now. We got there and had a great visit with Grandpa, Aunt Linda and Uncle Rex. It was fun to catch up and spend sometime with Grandpa. I miss our Monday morning cleaning dates. We loved to talk about family and Grandma Larsen. I think our favorite thing to do was read Grandma's journal. When we would read you could literally hear her voice. She was an amazing woman.
I love Grandpa's natural gray hair. He is turning 90 in August. He looks great for his age.

1 comment:

linda crandall said...

He is a GREAT man. When we were down last he had nothing but good to say about everything! He loves Grandma sooo much and talks to her is so sweet!