Monday, May 12, 2008

Watch out people in Texas - new driver on the ROAD!

Today Tyler turned "16" wow! Where has the time gone? I love you Tyler! I love it when I catch Tyler on the phone (it doesn't happen often), but he always tells me he loves me! That is so COOL! I miss him so much! I can't wait to see you play basketball again (he is an awesome basketball player)! Basketball is my favorite sport you know. Have a "Happy Birthday!" Be prepared to give me a full run down on the details of your FIRST DATE! Your lucky I live to far away to leave CHEERIOS on your doorstep! Drive safely...


linda crandall said...

16! I remember when he was little and LaShelle used to watch Shane for me. Shane is 14 now...Wow time flies!

kristie said...

Ok, that can't be true. He can't be 16! Where does the time go?

LaSchelle and Kurt said...

Thanks Lori! I'll show Tyler when he gets home today. You are an awesome aunt! My kids love you.